Team Morale and Engagement: E-Equity and Transparency
The E in MORALE is Equity and Transparency. Our parents told us that life is not fair. This is often true in life but it should not be...
Team Morale and Engagement: L-Leadership
The L in MORALE is Leadership. Every member of your team, regardless of their function and responsibilities, has the potential to be a...
Team Morale and Engagement: A-Appreciation
The A in MORALE is appreciation. There are few things more powerful than the act of expressing appreciation for an employee. You send...
Team Morale and Engagement: R-Tangible Rewards
The R in MORALE is tangible rewards. Nearly every person goes to work with an expectation of tangible rewards. The more common are...
Team Morale and Engagment: M-Intelligent Managemet
The M in MORALE is intelligent management. Employees must believe that they are being intelligently managed. Micro-management restricts...